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Word-groups. Empty Word-groups.

Post by anya Thu Feb 24, 2011 7:31 pm

The structure and meaning.
1) The structure is shown be a syntactic formula (синтаксическая структура словосочетания). It shows the structure of word-groups by the order of the arrangement of their components indicating them as parts of speech (V+N = te release a prisoner, to run a factory).
2) By using syntactic patterns (синтаксическая модель). They describe the word groups in relation to the head word (to release, to run).

The word-groups have lexical and structural meaning.
Lexical meaning is defined as the combined lexical meaning of the component words. Idiomatic meaning — the total change of the initial combined meaning (to catch smb red-handed)
Structural meaning is conveyed by the pattern of arrangement of its constituents (school grammar - grammar school).

Structural classification:
- Predicative — have syntactic structure similar to that of a sentence (the horse has run away)
- Non-predicative: subordinate and coordinate.
Subordinate word-groups — consist of a head-word and words subordinate to it (to release a prisoner). In coordinate word-groups — all elements are equal (brother and sister).
If the word-group is used in the same function as one of its members — endocentric. Exocentric — are those that are used differently from either of its members.

Semantic classification:
- Lexically motivated — the meaning of a word-group is equal to the combined meaning of its components.
- Lexically non-motivated — the word-groups whose meaning is different from the combined meaning of its components (Hobson's choice — нет выбора; the horse has run away — motivated, the horse has bolted — non-motivated).


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